Leo & Pipo: Leo & Pipo with hats and sock puppets, by Lynn Skordal
Manu Duf: Censorship2
javier.:.vázquez: _1970aves
javier.:.vázquez: _trumpeter
javier.:.vázquez: _revolución#9
javier.:.vázquez: _William Terrance Segundo en feudos interestelares pretendiendo demostrar su hombría ante la insensatez de la colorida muchedumbre aclamadora de múltiples (y vacíos) bises
Leo & Pipo: Portrait of Leo & Pipo, by Clara Mata
Leo & Pipo: Portrait of Leo & Pipo, by Unrad II
Leo & Pipo: Leo & Pipo / Collage XXXIX
Marcel Lisboa: The strange world of Hydra
'pijn: hoorspel #4
Javier Piragauta: My timing is off, Paradigma. Collage digital
Synctopia: Bat Woman Albert
Michelle Brea: “Beauty was deceptive. I would rather wear my pain, my ugliness. I was torn and stitched. I was a strip mine, and they would just have to look. I hoped I made them sick. I hoped they saw me in their dreams.”
Michelle Brea: A moment and an opportunity and a life, all in the unseen tick of a clock holding me nowhere. My heart is beating. The walls are pale and quiet.
chrisjfry: In the Lair of the White Witch 2
Studio Jonas Coersmeier: JCO-WS08_riggio_NANOTECTONICA_SEM_Pollen
lapinfille: Who can find a virtuous woman? for her price is far above rubies.
makemassair: expression2 physically
HITOMI SA: peace