Champy88: scan0007
Ric Capucho: Nürburg - Ilford HP5+ film
cerdsp: NYC - Brooklyn - Grand Army Plaza - The Bailey Fountain by Eugene Francis Savage
Frederic Huber | Photography: Sunset over Florence
cassiomedici: Empire State
cassiomedici: Street
Michael Holden: Moonrise over Los Angeles
Paris Orlando: Annunciation (Leonardo)
Lars Leganger: The Charioteers
RTsan: Sam #2
Paris Orlando: Inside the Cathedral of Amelia
andrea.disorte: Sunset Tuscany
PixPep: Hold my hand *Explored*
GlennDriver: Venice
Brad Eide: Contours, Light and Shades of Green (8:27AM) . . . Explore 07-11-15 #7
Andrea Rapisarda: Lungotevere
Alessandro Mammonati: Rome, fontana in Piazza San Pietro
khrawlings: bernini's colonnade
Alessandro De Benedictis: Castel'sant Angelo
Robert Wash: Largo di Torre Argentina
Valentinae: David di Bernini - Roma
helleninja: Castel d'Angelo
Eli Goren: Old Rome
esquire_1903: Saints and Columns
vlegallic: Basilique Saint Pierre - Rome - Italie
karen.vesterager: Piazza della Rotonda
Redlac2020: Rome
luigi ricchezza: Castel dell'Ovo