Antonella Appiano: Incensiere gigante
Stef(igno): FotoBraccioni
TODO.TO.IT: ruota_stagioni_01.jpg
Cristiano Siri: Design from the center
Cristiano Siri: How to build Hypernatural Objects
Cristiano Siri: Gamification, from theory to project + Cyborg Anthropology and the Evaporation of the Interface
Cristiano Siri: Food for geek thought. Artichokes and philosophy of technology
Cristiano Siri: Social shopping: Moving beyond group buying to delight and incent
Cristiano Siri: Predator: a smart camera that learns from experience
Cristiano Siri: The value of questioning
CikyDebs: èVento bagnato, èVento fortunato.
laralarus: L'arcobaleno avvolge il Duomo di Milano
leeander: brand
Hamed Saber: Me Fish!
gusme: 20091208_171356 Panorama notturno su Porta Nuova
Andrea Perotti: TEDx Lake Como - Como 04.11.09
matteopenzo: Withings Wi-Fi scale at home
palmasco: responsable kid
Giorgio Montersino: Luca Perugini
leeander: TED @ leeander's place
stered70: DSCN8024
david.orban: On stage with U2 for ONE in Milan
david.orban: U2 in Milan Panorama 2
marcomassarotto: Innovation Dinner 2
matteopenzo: my Innovation Dinner notes
palmasco: l'altissimo
momcamp: MomCamp Milano 13 giugno 2009 - Dad
BamaWester: Sunrise in Jones Valley.
Peem (pattpoom): ~ The Gap Against The Sun ~