BSOutdoorImages: Red Fox (Vulpes vulpes)
jactoll: Snowing in the Woods
Lionel-S: Action !
Stephen Hunt61: THE BAT CAVERN
ER Post: Sanderlings and Surf
Paco Fuentes Vicario: La Cascada Secreta
dgarridosan: Valcarlos Street traffic light trails, Madrid
pixellesley: Fox and fishing tackle
Pea Jay How: still here
Duba Feik: Raindrops falling
Duba Feik: Andes Mountains, near Aconcagua
Images by Leah: Tractor Number One
jürgenkörner: Norwegen
Scruddy: Snow Drops
Jerry Ting: white dawn
Götz Datko: Sand (just another photo of the Rub al Khali desert)
Scruddy: Hanging on
Sandra Schmid Fotografie: into the woods
Sandra Schmid Fotografie: Happy Weekend with Leopold! :)
Sandra Schmid Fotografie: Sunrise @ Grundlsee
Ken Krach Photography: A Night in West Virginia
Ken Krach Photography: Delaware Falls ... Below in the Flow
Ken Krach Photography: Dolly Sods Blues After Sunset
Ken Krach Photography: Atlantic Moonrise in Ocean City
Ken Krach Photography: Night Among the Large Rocks in Arizona