JLindroos: Lines_
der_peste (on/off): Let It Happen
Tanya--: Just White Paper......
Claudia DG: Macro Mondays: PaperCity
albert dros: Dutch Classic
Mykel46: I just had to laugh!
PeterBrannon: Contrails
angie_1964: Waterton Lakes National Park
Brad Eide: Enjoying the sunrise . . . Explore 17-01-2017 #2
Gaetan682: Paysage enneigé
Vanni Lazzari - VL: Valle Fattibello
Riberti Angelo: Tramonto infuocato
sonosenzaposta: Comacchio
paolotrapella: per le vie di Comacchio
valeriolanci: Rimini...
andrea galli © rimini: #rimini #pier
Matthew Dartford: Thetford Forest 08/01/2017
tgers: Rain Is A Good Thing
la poésie des images: Hazy shade of winter
Frederic Huber | Photography: Tre Cime Di Lavaredo
Ellen van den Doel: Storm is coming (EXPLORE)
kdee64: Late Afternoon in the Wheaton Valley
Captain Nikon: Buttermere Beauty
Melissa James Photography: Impression of a Grebe
Xlavius: Blowing Seeds (explored)
Xlavius: Winterberg at Dawn