aurospio: Snowy Owl 2022 season
NanaAkua: Jun2009_164
NanaAkua: Jun2009_238
NanaAkua: Jun2009_176
NanaAkua: May2009_420
NanaAkua: Jun2009_443
NanaAkua: May2009_my 88yrs old grandma's works : TEMARI
NanaAkua: Apr2009_my 88yrs old grandma's works : TEMARI
NanaAkua: Apr2009_my 88yrs old grandma's works : TEMARI
NanaAkua: Apr2009_my 88yrs old grandma's works : TEMARI
Christoph Fischer: The Unveiling
pnossorio: Purple Martin Attracting a Mate!
pnossorio: Male Red-winged Blackbird
pnossorio: Pair of Wood Ducks
pnossorio: Male Common Yellowthroat
City of Boulder: charlotte
The Library of Congress: Armenian orphans (LOC)
The Library of Congress: Mooney meeting (LOC)
The Library of Congress: Louise Falconer, Margaret French, Mrs. John C. Powers, Ruth Roberts, Mrs. F.W. Chesebrough, Emilie Brown, Mrs. Nina Duryea and Grace Bristed (LOC)
The Library of Congress: Mrs. Nina Larrey Duryea & aids (LOC)
The Library of Congress: V. Herbert (LOC)
The Library of Congress: Farrar sells bonds (LOC)
s_mestdagh: Capital Reef
US Mission to the United Nations Agencies in Rome: World Without Hunger Quilt Exhibit
US Mission to the United Nations Agencies in Rome: Ambassador Lane gives remarks at the reception