Suzee Que: Vintage Halloween Postcard
Suzee Que: Vintage Halloween Bridge Tally
Boston Public Library: All this trouble might have been avoided by use of one fifteen cent box of 'Rough on Rats.' [back]
Boston Public Library: The Eagle's new pencil sharpener no. 557 [front]
Boston Public Library: Coffee, Coffea Arabica [front]
Boston Public Library: Cinnamon, Laurus cinnamomum [front]
Boston Public Library: Cloves, Caryophylius aromaticus [front]
Boston Public Library: Pimento, Myrtus pimenta [front]
Boston Public Library: Nutmeg, Myristica moschata [front]
Boston Public Library: Pepper, Piper nigrum [front]
Boston Public Library: Ringling Bros and Barnum & Bailey Combined Circus : 5 big herds of performing elephants in 5 circus rings at one time
Boston Public Library: Clown and circus queen in speedster, when circus comes to town
Boston Public Library: Newest and best. Vick's early scarlet globe radish. Only found in Rices box of choice vegetables. (front)
Boston Public Library: Portulaca, from seeds put up by D. M. Ferry & Co., Detroit, Mich. (front)
Boston Public Library: Vick's choice seeds. (front)
Laineys Repertoire: Old Letter
Laineys Repertoire: british ferns
Laineys Repertoire: hook and eyes2
Laineys Repertoire: James Stuart Solicitor
Laineys Repertoire: HObgoblin
Laineys Repertoire: International Correspondence Sc SIL08-09656-b SIL08-33149-b SIL08-32118-a SIL08-17213-a SIL08-10893-b SIL08-10851-a SIL08-10851-b SIL08-10133-a SIL08-10007-b