miho's dad: streets of Gokashou
miho's dad: almond blossoms
EL.F: Flickr photo/散歩
shuta is shooter: BELAIR X6-12
miho's dad: (back to) Streets of Matsuyamachi - Osaka
ㄇㄠ: 38/365 Kit and Cat
⚡⚡⚡⚡: 最後還是沒有能ㄧ起看到瀑布阿。
: rail way
Lilith_L: Negative0-14-14(1)
DonaldTang: RVP-270s
EnergyStar2009: 53380033
shioru: とある駅にて
我的嘴唇比牛雜還柔軟: 兩份 是我與我兩份
nijntjee: 160/366
EnergyStar2009: 76200034
tam_69: 000158830015r
siryosh63: Swim in the sky
miho's dad: Port of Kobe - twilight zone
yuyu**: 海辺日和*
wuzheng0208: 複眼