lpj_imaging: Langtang - thanks for allowing us to visit
lpj_imaging: Walking down Langtang valley
lpj_imaging: Walking down Langtang valley - cake time :-)
lpj_imaging: Walking down Langtang valley
lpj_imaging: Walking down Langtang valley
lpj_imaging: Walking down Langtang valley - autumn is upon us
lpj_imaging: Walking down Langtang valley
lpj_imaging: LPJA_20181102__DSF5637
lpj_imaging: All the amazing food we got was cooked using this equipment
lpj_imaging: Time to pack up
lpj_imaging: The always well stocked dining tent
lpj_imaging: The morning sun turned freezing into warmth
lpj_imaging: Waiting for our turn to head down - rocks again
lpj_imaging: The stars !!!
lpj_imaging: Our great climbing sherpa team
lpj_imaging: Lakpa sherpa the day after our summit attempt when we headed down
lpj_imaging: The first section was flaky ice
lpj_imaging: A nice view down. Our high point was 150 meter below the summit
lpj_imaging: The third section was snow and ice climbing up a head wall
lpj_imaging: The view over the glacier we had walked over (from the right)
lpj_imaging: Ice formations along the climb
lpj_imaging: LPJA_20181029__DSF5391
lpj_imaging: The first section was flaky ice
lpj_imaging: After an early start and a walk over the glacier we reached the mountain
lpj_imaging: There is the summit of Langshisha Ri
lpj_imaging: Lunch out in the beautiful but refreshing weather
lpj_imaging: We had a rest day with a walk up closer to the glacier above our camp
lpj_imaging: Preparing for the rock scramble
lpj_imaging: A magnificent setting for our high camp
lpj_imaging: The porters has carried up their loads and waited for us to come up before speeding down