LowSpirit79: Snow in Rome
LowSpirit79: varco notturno
LowSpirit79: ai margini del sacro sentiero/the edge of the sacred path
LowSpirit79: Sfumato in dissolvenza
LowSpirit79: Dalì(Luca's cat)
LowSpirit79: Volo nell'ignoto/Flight into the unknown(serieFallen)
LowSpirit79: Suggestione Inversa/Inverse suggestion
LowSpirit79: Ostruzione/obstruction
LowSpirit79: Tratto astratto in dissolvenza/Abstract stroke in fading (lswork4)
LowSpirit79: Il volto sensibile dell'oscurità / The sensitive face of darkness (tret1)
LowSpirit79: Oscurità Nella Luce / Oscurity In The Light (luca test#010)
LowSpirit79: Don't Drink The Water (LowSpirit-img7_342)
LowSpirit79: Roma - LowSpirit(DSC03206)
LowSpirit79: Roma - LowSpirit(DSC03410)
LowSpirit79: LowSpirit - test #B2
LowSpirit79: LowSpirit - gold1(#0)
LowSpirit79: LowSpirit - 9 marzo|b'day| (test#574)
LowSpirit79: (test#11)
LowSpirit79: waiting for your little fable? :* (Luca#131)
LowSpirit79: Buon Natale (xmas06)
LowSpirit79: (serie05test#662)
LowSpirit79: pleasantville(seriemovie#7773)
LowSpirit79: img227(test#227)
LowSpirit79: sheep/pecorelle#1
LowSpirit79: insignificance (serie Help)test#6011
LowSpirit79: LowSpirit CottonFioc(#33)
LowSpirit79: Bended on himself *serie depressed*
LowSpirit79: fat skeleton(23)
LowSpirit79: fat skeleton (test2)