lowercasek: I was cheering pretty hardcore, but it just wasn't enough. Thank you, Ravens, for an exciting season. I love you and am a huge fan! #ravens
lowercasek: Ooops. Already slacking. Another change, less coffee. Tea is my saving grace. #photofy #teatime #jan7 shout out to @noyinkatie @aaronjtodd
lowercasek: Meatless Mondays. It's been a few weeks, so not quite a new thing for the new year, but still. #bettereating #moreveggies #photofy #jan5 #colorfulfoods
lowercasek: I made this skirt for Neko today. Another day, more to do. #morecrafts #handmade #photofy #jan4
lowercasek: All Hale to Kisch. Let's just go with it. Another day, another reason for change. Eat and/or drink more veggies #AHTKale #juicevibes #jan3 #afterWERQinIt
lowercasek: I said I wanted to make more crafts. Craft beer counts right? #beentoolong #moreplease #photofy #jan2
lowercasek: Current state of my craft table. Now, I just need to make more things. #makethings #photofy #morecrafts #jan1
lowercasek: this gun and its tattoo
lowercasek: Adrienne stealing peoples hats
lowercasek: Maria and Tyler
lowercasek: Erik and me
lowercasek: Adrienne and Francis
lowercasek: Ben's fancy pants
lowercasek: not many of the two of us
lowercasek: Joseph and Sara
lowercasek: it was a long day 3rd daylight savings 4 am or so and free room service.
lowercasek: Roderick and me
lowercasek: Rochelle and me
lowercasek: Ben and Molly
lowercasek: Molly and me
lowercasek: Our moustachios and fezzes
lowercasek: our wilfred brimley
lowercasek: wifi at the farm! yes!
lowercasek: beer find at Ostrich Farm in Curacao
lowercasek: dj flansburgh
lowercasek: nerds waiting for a table
lowercasek: pina colada bar
lowercasek: on the boat in aruba
lowercasek: needed this after the crime scene
lowercasek: aruba and their balashi, yum