Alexandremqs: Rumba&Sancho
Alexandremqs: Lonely
Alla Carter: belle in snow
Ord: Snow on her nose
MTSOfan: Horse Eye
chris-rice: Smile, or perhaps not.
r-h-b pictures: Maine Coon Cat Frodo
Mcicki: Sun-Bathing Beauty
r-h-b pictures: Maine Coon Cat Ben
Alexandremqs: Malamute
Alexandremqs: Water and Fire
daniel_paulsson: Maja and her kitten
JRG Imaginarium ‽: Look at my eyes!
c_ahonen: Icy toes
groyar: Testing the 24-70L II
MyphotoRose-on&off:): Baronia ward and Emergency department Canterbury Hospital .. The best angels
myri_bonnie: Betsy
Misterfie Photography: In the Park of Nymphenburg Palace V
Artedgy: Dolphin
Artedgy: Happy Little Dolphins
pghjame43: Rooney being a retriever
colette_noir: XZ-1 007sp