decor8: Etsy Take Five Tuesdays
li: my room
HOLLi*: completed old school project
tigrecanela: School Project: Colored Pencils
Vintage Pleasure: My Secret Stack Of Vintage Ladybird Books!
_cassia_: The Book Collection
Corey Bennett: Stephanie
jcowsaymoo: feeling bookish.
Julie.L: Wannabe
Lornsterrr: The Ugly Duckling
Lornsterrr: The Ugly Duckling
toni! at the disco: One Day I Slowly Floated Away
asya baranova: like doll
minzimiu: botones
boopsie.daisy: Counter End Shelves
Katie Lionheart: 5/365 Becca in Wonderland.
.neha.: you are beautiful.
K .: You Are Beautiful
Livvy-x: 0ed82f8e1a9dda4646ff8c82c13856d827985ffe_m
omoo: A Habit of Stories