lovegreg: Back To the Future Party: Rays
lovegreg: Back To the Future Party: Flux Capacitor
lovegreg: Back To the Future Party: "Chuck. Chuck. It's Marvin - your cousin, Marvin BERRY. You know that new sound you're looking for? Well, listen to this. "
lovegreg: Back To the Future Party: Jesus Lights
lovegreg: Back To the Future Party: Dark Derek
lovegreg: Back To the Future Party: Derek
lovegreg: Back To the Future Party: Work It
lovegreg: Back To the Future Party: Flash of Brilliance
lovegreg: Back To the Future Party: Too Tongue Tied
lovegreg: Back To the Future Party: Hold the Phone
lovegreg: I took this picture with this shirt and passed the shirt on, this is all supposed to be on a website, but who knows where
lovegreg: Yes, there was a dude in there. Yes, he did his whole set like that. No, it didn't suck.
lovegreg: The view woke me up so I went out and took a picture of it in my hotel bathrobe
lovegreg: She enjoys ice cream in all it's many splendid incarnations
lovegreg: If a female artist made this giant Prince record, I would like to woo her
lovegreg: I think almost every time I have noodles in Vancouver it's with JP...maybe I'll start calling him 'Noodles'
lovegreg: No, the heavily bearded man didn't just steal the little Japanese American vintage looking car
lovegreg: Mike looked to the heavens, but they refused to let him in
lovegreg: I can't find the right words either
lovegreg: Even Burnaby looks decent at dawn
lovegreg: Since when is there 2 weeks of snow in Vancouver, ever...really??!!
lovegreg: Whatever you do, no matter how hungry you are, don't go to TGIFridays
lovegreg: Okay wreath
lovegreg: Christmas toe sox, what could be more festive/creepy?
lovegreg: Derek, Mira and the singing deer
lovegreg: Leave it to Derek to make a leafy mustache look fascist
lovegreg: Starchild Mira
lovegreg: Sharks are dangerous (especially when you choke on them)
lovegreg: We had our tranditional New Years went to their heads
lovegreg: This is most likely the best dessert youv'e never had