lovegreg: You couldn't describe this year better.
lovegreg: My ride was a bit late in arriving...about 6 hours or so. Then we headed to Walmart (there, I said it) and loaded up Mike's Vulva.
lovegreg: Whitey knew it would be a tough road, we all did.
lovegreg: Costume Self Portrait 1-of-6: No amount of fake angst could counteract the the shimmer-hoody.
lovegreg: Despite the fact that my shake came in two parts, Michelle was still sleepy.
lovegreg: I took this picture while sleeping.
lovegreg: Mike took this picture while driving.
lovegreg: What's "broasted" chicken? Apparently it's a process where you can eat the whole thing bones-and-all. No lie!!
lovegreg: We were a bit late arriving...about 6 hours or so.
lovegreg: Demise in a bottle.
lovegreg: It's amazing how much booze and mirror-covered bikes weigh.
lovegreg: The greeter wanted to rush us through, but I insisted the gals ring the virgin bell.
lovegreg: A hand on metal bell ain't all that loud though.
lovegreg: This is the only shot I have of the Wedge shelter, which was made of a giant American Gladiators tarp and incited random violence.
lovegreg: Getting ready for naval service (and/or servicing navels).
lovegreg: This freaky-ass toy apparently wasn't working until it got to the desert then started its bizarre ranting and gyrating...I'm not talking about the orange thing either.
lovegreg: It was then I decided I really needed a pair of Disorient goggles.
lovegreg: It was warped. It was America.
lovegreg: There is no bloodshed with plastic weapons.
lovegreg: They asked me for the shot...Okay, now what?
lovegreg: The cat man did some damage on the Kostume Kult runway (mainly his claws).
lovegreg: Redheaded onlooker enthralled by ice creamery.
lovegreg: On a torrid day, nothing provides gentle cooling like liquid nitrogen.
lovegreg: The battle labyrinth was surprisingly strenuous (more so for Whitey, cause I beat his ass).
lovegreg: The magic dragon puffs along.
lovegreg: The Lizard Car couldn't start until heated up by the sun.
lovegreg: Do you sometimes wonder where these fanciful rides end up the other 51 weeks of the year?
lovegreg: I swear this mask was staring at me. It was right.
lovegreg: One cool cat (he really was, okay?).
lovegreg: This Frenchman basically ripped my 5D out of my hands to take this BUT it's the only shot I have of my electric powered disco ball bike!