Louis Trapani: Ascending. #plane #iphoneography #shotoniphone
Louis Trapani: I see a face. #iseefaces
Louis Trapani: Lines, Light, and Color. #shotoniphone #iphoneography #colorfull #lines
Louis Trapani: There were a few swans by the the water. This one came by to greet me. #swans #iphoneography #shotoniphone
Louis Trapani: The sky finally began to clear up at the end of my bike ride today. Better late than never. #shotoniphone #iphoneography
Louis Trapani: Wind blown gate and fence by the water. #shotoniphone #iphoneography #fence
Louis Trapani: Another beautiful day out biking today. Although a bit gusty, I can't complain. #shotoniphone #iphoneography #harbors
Louis Trapani: Let's have a picnic by the erosion area. #signs #irony #shotoniphone #iphoneography #spring #picnic
Louis Trapani: Some color to what started as a gray day. #flowers #spring #shotoniphone #iphoneography
Louis Trapani: Calm Creek. Passing by it while biking today. #creek #shotoniphone #iphoneography
Louis Trapani: I'm so over winter. Bring on spring. Today was such a nice day, reaching the low 70s ℉ in the afternoon. Looking forward to similar days ahead. #spring #iphoneography #shotoniphone
Louis Trapani: Finally, a sign that spring has sprung. #spring #iphoneography #shotoniphone
Louis Trapani: An after lunch treat in the sky. #rainbow #iphoneography #shotoniphone
Louis Trapani: Something. Sunset IPhoneography ShotOnIphone at Bay County Park
Louis Trapani: Policing the sunset. #iphoneography #shotoniphone #sunset
Louis Trapani: Plane "H" - Another shot from today's sunset. #iphoneography #shotoniphone #sunset
Louis Trapani: Thursday's end. #iphoneography #shotoniphone
Louis Trapani: Geese flying by. #iphoneography #shotoniphone #geese
Louis Trapani: I had to keep reminding myself that it is mid-October today. #monarch #butterfly #shotoniphone #iphoneography
Louis Trapani: My current view right now… Beautiful sky. #longbeachny #iphoneography #shotoniphone
Louis Trapani: Despite the "Indian Summer" weather of today, the park was mostly empty. To my delight the paths had been re-paved since I was rode on them last. #iphoneography #shotoniphone
Louis Trapani: From today's bike ride. A beautiful day for October albeit a bit too windy though. #swans #iphoneography #shotoniphone
Louis Trapani: Late Afternoon Grill. #iphoneography #shotoniphone
Louis Trapani: Spread your wings. #iphoneography #shotoniphone
Louis Trapani: Quiet afternoon at a peaceful waterfront. #iphoneography #shotoniphone
Louis Trapani: The iPhone 7 Plus is the bee's knees. #shotoniphone #iphoneography #bees
Louis Trapani: Testing the iPhone 7 Plus camera. Top is 1x (optical), middle is 2x (optical), bottom is 10x (digital). See my previous post for another example. #shotoniphone #iphoneography #photog
Louis Trapani: Testing the iPhone 7 Plus camera. Top is 1x (optical), middle is 2x (optical), bottom is 10x (digital). #shotoniphone #iphoneography #photog
Louis Trapani: Making the best of a mostly gray day. #shotoniphone #iphoneography
Louis Trapani: Sleepy Sunflower. #shotoniphone #iphoneography #sunflowers