Louise Gale: MATSFB_ClassHEADER
Louise Gale: MATSSQ
Louise Gale: MATSheader
Louise Gale: Happy Saturday! All cloudy and calm here this morning. Have a great weekend xx
Louise Gale: Pretty pink petals in my sketchbook make me smile. Have a wonderful Wednesday all. Xxx
Louise Gale: Happy September! The view #fromthestudio preparing some new videos/audios for the creative library to be sent out via the newsletter later on today. Seems very quiet out there, lovely. :-) Have a wonderful day all. Xxx
Louise Gale: I just had to leave this little #mandala gift on 'the path' where the hibiscus buds had fallen earlier today. {101}
Louise Gale: Morning everyone! Beautiful walk on the beach this morning and discovered these fabulous little line of rocks being washed over by the waves. The sand is so perfect at the moment. Have a wonderful day all xx
Louise Gale: Sorting through my studio, getting ready for some new painting projects and been looking through my Bali sketchbooks..... ahhhh Bali. Some lovely reflection time looking through journals and sketchbooks can be so inspiring..... Have a fabulous Wednesday x
Louise Gale: Happy Monday! So here we are at the end of #100daysofmandalas This is a little dahlia with 100 petals to say thank you for every mandala that has emerged. {100/100} Thank you so much everyone for following me on this journey, I'll be sharing some reflect
Louise Gale: A floral garden freestyle mandala in watercolors. This came bursting out of me! Would love to do more of these... #100daysofmandalas #the100dayproject {99/100}
Louise Gale: Happy Sunday all! Strange feelings coming up as I start this penultimate mandala for #100daysofmandalas Part happy, part relief, part not really sure what! The joy is in the journey and trying my best to stay in the present rather than think "what next?".
Louise Gale: A little doodle floral party mandala #100daysofmandalas #the100dayproject {98/100}
Louise Gale: Some fun doodles in this mandala work in progress #100daysofmandalas #the100dayproject {98/100}
Louise Gale: Happy Saturday! A little quick watercolor mandala in my mini sketchbook #100daysofmandalas #the100dayproject {97/100}
Louise Gale: One of my favourites so far. Digital mandala from a selection of nature sketches I scanned into Photoshop to play with. #100daysofmandalas #the100dayproject {96/100}
Louise Gale: A jasmine bud spiral for #100daysofmandalas #the100dayproject Digital mandala from my nature sketches. {95/100}
Louise Gale: Digital mandala design. Lots of fun to create from my nature sketches. #100daysofmandalas. #the100dayproject {94/100}
Louise Gale: Playing with my sketches in photoshop for #100daysofmandalas #the100dayproject Love this little pink flower {93/100}
Louise Gale: Petal passion. Morning all. :-) Xx
Louise Gale: A simple little yellow sunshine flower mandala in watercolor #100daysofmandalas #the100dayproject {92/100}
Louise Gale: The finished flower mandala {I scanned my painting} LOVING watercolor at the moment... #100daysofmandalas #the100dayproject {91/100}
Louise Gale: Coloring in with watercolor. I drew some black and white flower mandalas at the beach this weekend so catching up on #100daysofmandalas {91/100}
Louise Gale: Lovely walk along the beach this morning. Barefeet, the faint smell of jasmine and salt in the air and a welcoming cool breeze to start the day. Happy Tuesday everyone! Xx
Louise Gale: The view from here on this most fabulous Friday! Just said farewell to beloved friends who stopped off to visit me on their European tour. :-) Now taking a couple of days away from the computer so back next week with the last 10 mandalas for the 100 days
Louise Gale: A little petal party! #100daysofmandalas #the100dayproject {90/100}
Louise Gale: A little catch up now I am back in Spain! Here is one from a couple of days ago whilst in the UK #100daysofmandalas #the100dayproject {89/100}
Louise Gale: More beautiful pink rose petals from my mums garden. #100daysofmandalas #the100dayproject {88/100}
Louise Gale: Lots of lovely inspiration at Kew yesterday #latergram #NatureTrailSketchbook #naturalmandala
Louise Gale: Orange and pink with a little lavender. This smells divine today. #100daysofmandalas #the100dayproject {87/100}