Louis Lefranc: El Rhino
Louis Lefranc: El Duomo - Firenze, Italy
Louis Lefranc: Lost in the Seine
Louis Lefranc: To Infinite and Beyond
Louis Lefranc: Home Sweet Home
Louis Lefranc: Lavender in Sunset
Louis Lefranc: Equilibrium
Louis Lefranc: Sunset Lover
Louis Lefranc: Smile, don't smile, smile
Louis Lefranc: Human after all.
Louis Lefranc: Call the gardener, I believe there is a leak.
Louis Lefranc: Welkom Brugge
Louis Lefranc: Greetings from BXL.
Louis Lefranc: Hollow Man
Louis Lefranc: "Jesus, help me. Please."
Louis Lefranc: Parisian life.
Louis Lefranc: Too straight for my taste. What's next?
Louis Lefranc: Twønikørns øf Løve
Louis Lefranc: Bûche me if you can.
Louis Lefranc: Don't even think about it.
Louis Lefranc: Le Corse.
Louis Lefranc: #4 Part of...
Louis Lefranc: Stop W(h)ining
Louis Lefranc: 2 - 0 - 2 - 0 - 1 - 0 - 2 - 0
Louis Lefranc: Tanning in progress
Louis Lefranc: Choose your weapon
Louis Lefranc: Smørrebrød
Louis Lefranc: #3 Part of
Louis Lefranc: Scottish Crew.