loudguitars: Last day of adventures in Thailand: Hong Islands and Lao Lading island. This really is a beautiful place.
loudguitars: Awesome rocks while snorkeling with @krabisunsetcruises, featuring a fairly fresh chunk limestone that fell off during Covid, Chicken Island (that IMO looks more like turkey island, but turkeys aren’t a thing in Thailand), our guide/drone photo operator,
loudguitars: Krabi Town, Pt 2: The river and a mangrove forest at low tide.
loudguitars: Krabi Town, Pt. 1: Night Market and Wat-age
loudguitars: George Michael Rissman, 2007-2024. A loving, constant companion to Lilia since he adopted her scratching at her row house door the first year of grad school. A tolerant stepbrother to both Chaplin and Hank (although the interregnum Summer Of George he had
loudguitars: Ao Nang and Nopparat Thara. Pics 3-5 are the same beach, at dusk and then in the morning. Pretty nuts how far you can walk out in the evening!
loudguitars: Non-felines at the Singapore zoo - the wee critter is an Indo-Malaysian Mousedeer (the smallest hoofed animal in the world!), the monkey is a female White-Faced Saki monkey, and the bear is a Malaysian Sun Bear.
loudguitars: The good kitties of the Singapore Zoo: White tigers (who apparently like chicken almost as much as George Michael), cheetah, Asian lions, an extremely sleepy jaguar, and bonus clouded leopard and African lions at Night Safari.
loudguitars: Little India prepping for a festival, day and night. (I think thaipusam?
loudguitars: Singapore Day 1 highlights - Asian civilizations museum and lots of walking around.
loudguitars: Something about the wording of this sign made me laugh very hard. Plus: Rich people have big gardens and big rooms, film at 11!
loudguitars: Tubular Hank.
loudguitars: I think we’re about to have cat shelves all over the house
loudguitars: Walked back in from a movie to this tableau.
loudguitars: The boys were so happy to have Lilia home that they actually snuggled with each other for real. And of course then Georgie did Hank’s hair.
loudguitars: Stupidly beautiful day yesterday in Central Park. Every person and animal we saw was just delighted for it to be fall. #lategram #nofilter
loudguitars: Hank, master of camouflage.
loudguitars: Newest addition to my collection of amazing signs.
loudguitars: Turns out Letchworth State Park is very pretty! We got super lucky with the weather.
loudguitars: This tree at RIT was all the fall colors at once. #nofilter #lategram
loudguitars: You know winter is coming when these two grudgingly start sitting next to each other because they’re cold.
loudguitars: The boys playtesting our new tile entryway and/or making sure there’s gonna be plenty of cat hair in the gaps when our guy comes back to grout it. (Photo 2 is #NoFilter for tile color)
loudguitars: It is pretty, pretty nice here.
loudguitars: “Wait…who let you guys outside?!”
loudguitars: Dulles always threatens to finally kill off the mobile lounges for good, but every time they try, the lounges only grow stronger. #lategram
loudguitars: “Look, I swear to god, it wasn’t me.”
loudguitars: Beginning to think Hank likes Lilia.
loudguitars: I feel ya, Georgie.
loudguitars: Definitely not getting into any mischief. Nope. None.
loudguitars: A very suspicious Hank