dfg photography: Gathering
dfg photography: Glass Wing Silhouette
dfg photography: Common Mormons Mating
dfg photography: Newly Emerging Tree Nymph
dfg photography: Long Legs
dfg photography: Crane Flies Mating
dfg photography: Devouring
dfg photography: Syrphus ribesii
dfg photography: St Mark's Fly In Flight
dfg photography: IMG_6953
dfg photography: Common Blue Damselfly (Enallagma cyathigerum)
dfg photography: Common Field Grasshopper
dfg photography: The Beetle and the Droplet
dfg photography: Preparing For Flight
dfg photography: Cereal leaf beetle (Oulema melanopus or Lema melanopa)
dfg photography: Leptopterna dolabrata?
dfg photography: Green Leafhopper, Cicadella Viridis
dfg photography: Harvestman
dfg photography: Common carder bee (Bombus pascuorum)
dfg photography: Common Carpet Moth
dfg photography: Common Grass Moth, Agriphila straminella
dfg photography: Azure Damselfly
dfg photography: Dung Fly(Scathophaga stercoraria)