Lothar The Terrible: Looking back...
Lothar The Terrible: The road behind.
Lothar The Terrible: Where the sidewalk ends...
Lothar The Terrible: Coupland RR depot.
Lothar The Terrible: Closed for business.
Lothar The Terrible: Shaky foundations.
Lothar The Terrible: Cans of cans...
Lothar The Terrible: A little hand..
Lothar The Terrible: Texas roses.
Lothar The Terrible: Picnic set.
Lothar The Terrible: Archer City
Lothar The Terrible: Cash Grocery
Lothar The Terrible: Young County
Lothar The Terrible: Williamson County
Lothar The Terrible: Wilbarger County
Lothar The Terrible: Wichita County
Lothar The Terrible: Waller County
Lothar The Terrible: Walker County
Lothar The Terrible: Upshur County