Hoodlam: Mayo Meadow Liquor Store - Robert Buchner
retrOKC: Now and Then
ghs1922: Moon Lake Lodge Fire
POP SNAP: Vancouver - February 1978
Photographs By Wade: Moody's Jewelry
ArchiTexty: Lowell, AZ Sprouse-Reitz Five and Dime
AtelierChouette: Uncle Adrin's Hobby Print Shop
AtelierChouette: Perkins Truck
AtelierChouette: Perkins Glass And Mill
AtelierChouette: FrankPhillipsConstruction
AtelierChouette: Millwork and Phillips Station
ArchiTexty: 37th Street Station ~ Peter Witt Replica
imarcc: Looking south east from the old Standpipe Hill, Tulsa, Oklahoma
zeropsa: tulsa
doc will: Part of the Wall,Old Town Tallinn,Estonia
Harry Halibut: green man
johnmtidwell: Burbank steak joint. "Fine Food at a Fair Price."
biff53: formerly known as...Phillips 66
Photographs By Wade: Blue Dome Mural
Photographs By Wade: Video Monitor
ArchiTexty: Reston, VA Lake Anne ~ Washington Plaza Baptist Church
doc will: Anvil cloud
Hoodlam: In Oklahoma you get one choice, Sweet Tea.....lame
ArchiTexty: bulova
liberalmind1012: relief on Trinity church wall