Monsterwork: jim bob and polaris
Monsterwork: Moo Dog
Monsterwork: Boba Fett
Monsterwork: The Valley of the Iron God
Monsterwork: PHOTOBOMB
Monsterwork: IMG_8465
Monsterwork: IMG_8501
Monsterwork: IMG_8560
Monsterwork: IMG_8704
golfpunkgirl: fellow climbers on sinai
ola smith: pink polar bear & his softie {needle felted}
gatorinsc: Bridge Over Troubled Water
gms: Fingal's Cave
martinturner: Natural History Museum
dobienet: Did Somebody Say Cat?
ucumari photography: SPOILED-ROTTEN-TO-THE-CORE dog
recep-bg: my good boy & my new toy
Trey Ratcliff: The Temple Deep in the Caves
virtser: Beit Govrin
m_c2012: 4089 Diehong Bridge
Monsterwork: athene & conrad
Monsterwork: don't understand the evil eye, or how one becomes two.
Monsterwork: catcher. final version.