Lorika13: Even the crowd watching the protest procession has signs!
Lorika13: Farmers at the WI Capital
Lorika13: "Firefighters for workers rights" ("Kids support teachers rights") #wiunion
Lorika13: A puppet for the Koch brothers? #wiunion
Lorika13: "Compost the Federal Reserve" #wiunion
Lorika13: Wisconsin dairy farmer singing the national anthem #wiunion
Lorika13: "Nose Candy for the Koch Brothers" #wiunion
Lorika13: Can you tell which members of the legislature support the workers? #wiunion
Lorika13: Upper entrance closed? Still standing strong #wiunion
Lorika13: Scene from the #wiunion protests Saturday
Lorika13: Man's best Union Thug? #wiunion
Lorika13: A couple of @theuptake 's intrepid Citizen Journalists: Oliver & Jacob
Lorika13: "Boy am I hungry!"
Lorika13: (on an old tractor) "Pull together, support working families"
Lorika13: "The middle class is too big to fail"
Lorika13: "Defeat the Empire - Recall Darth Walker"
Lorika13: "Denial is a dangerous state to live in" #wiunion
Lorika13: "Boycott Walker's sponsors" #wiunion
Lorika13: #Anonymous had an iconic presence at the #wiunion protest
Lorika13: "Make it hurt!" (great old school animated sign)
Lorika13: Steamfitters and Pipetrades Unions March in the protest
Lorika13: Pandas for Badgers
Lorika13: My HipstaPrint 0.jpg
Lorika13: "Plowing forward with democracy"
Lorika13: "It's about time this movement got some traction."
Lorika13: More shots from yesterday: The farmers are coming!
Lorika13: Hello my name is Scott Walker and I'm a...
Lorika13: "Now settle down kitty"..."WI rise up!"
Lorika13: Angry dollar sign octopus & guitar dude say...
Lorika13: The trickle down economics of the RepubliCONus Vulgaris