Lorika13: Jaune Flamme tomato
Lorika13: Hurray for Tromboncino squash! Going into our dinner tonight.
Lorika13: Weeded the new pollinator gardens @artsmia - they are really starting to fill and and bloom!
Lorika13: Amazing sunset tonight!
Lorika13: Got to be in my happy place today.
Lorika13: Beautiful female Tiger Swallowtail on the Cup Plant today.
Lorika13: Shakey Jakey at Hi-lo Diner
Lorika13: Currently roasting: veggie frankfurters!
Lorika13: 💦🐀💦🐀💦🐀💦 selfie - I've never biked through heavier rain!
Lorika13: First tomato!
Lorika13: Sleepy queen
Lorika13: An example of how they theorize the stones were moved.
Lorika13: The trench around Stonehenge
Lorika13: So happy to be home and conquered by this guy again. 😻
Lorika13: Faceless fuzzy bunnies say: go strawless!
Lorika13: Sunset at Stonehenge
Lorika13: Stonehenge
Lorika13: I hope you won't get sick of photos of Stonehenge. 😄
Lorika13: Sunset at Stonehenge
Lorika13: Leaving this view behind today. 😢
Lorika13: We could not get in at this tea shop in Bath despite my wearing the perfect shirt for it!
Lorika13: Stonehenge after sunset
Lorika13: So, we got to go on a private tour of Stonehenge. 😎 It was pretty amazing. 1 hour in the stones!
Lorika13: The French know their horse sculptures. So much expression!
Lorika13: Surprise! My honey bought us train tickets to Paris for the day. He kept hinting at something special. I thought it was a Harry Potter tour. 😄
Lorika13: Guess where I am!
Lorika13: I other Doctors' news...
Lorika13: Bellini with a view
Lorika13: Random very old building out the car window in London
Lorika13: Crazy chocolate muffin at Tate Modern