Lorre_1: October
Lorre_1: In the kitchen…
Lorre_1: Life always finds a way…
Lorre_1: This too shall pass…
Lorre_1: Are you kiddin’ me?!
Lorre_1: In between…
Lorre_1: I will never get tired of sunsets...
Lorre_1: I am not my thoughts...
Lorre_1: Feeling shy
Lorre_1: Ice crystal gardenin my window
Lorre_1: Ice crystal gardenin my window
Lorre_1: Emptiness...
Lorre_1: Catching up with some repression...
Lorre_1: Still learning how to take care of her...
Lorre_1: The process....or part of it
Lorre_1: Restlesness...
Lorre_1: Rediscovering....
Lorre_1: Coming for you
Lorre_1: ...and so what?
Lorre_1: Phases...
Lorre_1: Blurred lines...
Lorre_1: Hidden...
Lorre_1: Ostrichlike
Lorre_1: Compassion to self...
Lorre_1: Naked...
Lorre_1: My trip my journey...
Lorre_1: Silence...
Lorre_1: Nightmares....
Lorre_1: Into nothingness...
Lorre_1: Premenstrual ll