LordRul: I have not always chosen the safest path. I've made my mistakes, plenty of them. I sometimes jump too soon and fail to appreciate the consequences. But I've learned something important along the way: I've learned to heed the call of my heart. I've learned
LordRul: I love walking down the street and seeing faces and drama and happiness and sadness and dirt and cleanliness.
LordRul: Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better. - Albert Einstein
LordRul: Let us remember to always rediscover one another because we are forever changing.
LordRul: Received my Tuhau and Hinava!!... Thanks Boy from @avasikitchen . Sanggup ni hantar walaupun order sikit ja. Ko barula staring.. Kotohuadan kio.. @mirayasmin @iam_lorraine @miss_rizzam bah.. Apa lagi, hinava pun ada..
LordRul: The mountains are calling and I must go.
LordRul: If you want the people to understand you, invite them to your life and let them see the world from your window!
LordRul: The noblest pleasure is the joy of understanding.
LordRul: The clouds rolled over the hills like a pack of midgets wearing gray togas somersaulting in unison, and I thought it’s a glorious day to be alive.
LordRul: This is the new year the new you. You can pass through another year, coasting on cruise control. Or you can step out of your comfort zone, trying things you have never done before, & make 2016 as the year that you elevate from where you are & soar high. M
LordRul: As long as I am breathing, in my eyes, I am just beginning.
LordRul: Whatever negative things people think and say about you is enough to bring you down provided you belief that it carries a weight that can push you hard. Don't agree to accept what critics say; be prepared to silence them by doing what they think you can't
LordRul: Getting to the top is optional. Getting down is mandatory.
LordRul: Rural and traditional escapism. That’s my angle. Places and events where we are free to relax and be ourselves, where nobody tells us to hurry along or conform or grow up. Somewhere we can properly live.
LordRul: Rain is a lullaby heard through a thick, isolating blanket of clouds. It is the tinkling harp of water droplets; a moist breath whistling through willow reeds; a pattering beat background to the mourner's melody. Rain is a soft song of compassion for the
LordRul: Wait. This was the first lesson I had learned about love. The day drags along, you make thousands of plans, you imagine every possible conversation, you promise to change your behavior in certain ways -- and you feel more and more anxious until your loved
LordRul: Just at present you only see the tree by the light of the lamp. I wonder when you would ever see the lamp by the light of the tree.
LordRul: However beautiful a morning may be, we still must not wish it to continue endlessly, because this shall mean missing forever all the beauties of the night!
LordRul: Anyone who thinks fallen leaves are dead has never watched them dancing on a windy day.
LordRul: This is the part in the movie where that guy says, "Zombies? What zombies?" just before they eat his brains. I don't want to be that guy.
LordRul: Even if you're on the right track, you'll get run over if you just sit there.
LordRul: I like the posture, but not the yoga. I like the inebriated morning, but not the opium. I like the flower but not the garden, the moment but not the dream. Quiet, my love. Be still. I am sleeping.
LordRul: 10km done!!!.... Yess, 10km... Wohooooo..... Go away pain!! Shoo shoo...
LordRul: The morning always has a way of creeping up on me and peeking in my bedroom windows. The sunrise is such a pervert. Good Morning
LordRul: Hate destroys a bridge but forgiveness rebuilds it.
LordRul: Pengat Labu
LordRul: A fine work of art - music, dance, painting, story - has the power to silence the chatter in the mind and lift us to another place.
LordRul: The best way to not feel hopeless is to get up and do something. Don’t wait for good things to happen to you. If you go out and make some good things happen, you will fill the world with hope, you will fill yourself with hope.
LordRul: The only love that I really believe in is a mother’s love for her children.
LordRul: ...dusk is the time when men whisper of matters about which they remain silent in the full light of the sun.