Lord Turbine: Peeking Out
Lord Turbine: Take Cover!
Lord Turbine: Treetop Viper
Lord Turbine: Brushtop
Lord Turbine: Down the Barrel, Through the Eyes
Lord Turbine: Down the Barrel
Lord Turbine: Under Cover
Lord Turbine: Sniping off the Rock
Lord Turbine: IMG_0087
Lord Turbine: IMG_0084
Lord Turbine: Mystery Bug Scale Comparison
Lord Turbine: Mystery Bug Face
Lord Turbine: Mystery Bug Side
Lord Turbine: Mystery Bug Back
Lord Turbine: Mystery Bug!
Lord Turbine: Front Wall
Lord Turbine: Top Shelf Part 2
Lord Turbine: Top Shelf Part 1
Lord Turbine: Shelf 3
Lord Turbine: Shelf 2
Lord Turbine: Shelf 1
Lord Turbine: All that Money, Gone...
Lord Turbine: Night Stand
Lord Turbine: Dresser
Lord Turbine: Battlestation
Lord Turbine: Scan 10
Lord Turbine: Scan 9