Room With A View: Kayaks & Flowers
SLFshine: Day Four: California Redwoods
Martica: IMG_2623
Martica: Looking awesome, as always.
superlocal: singing ajoshi at APAP
Martica: They look more like birds now
SLFshine: Smile for the camera, little man!
glenfinlas: hanging on
Brent_O: IMG_1519
jrixunderwater: wide angle sea lion 5433
+shaun noonan+: For the Fallen
hearman: Wilson's Warbler
Dave Appleton: Woodchat Shrikes, Nemrut Dağı (Turkey), 15-May-10
Clyde's Pics: Out of the darkness, came a squirrel.
nonie vogue: 2010-08-05 treasure book 3 33
latenightowl: Whimsy
SLFshine: Osteospermum "Soprano Purple"
SLFshine: "Sundaze Golden Beauty"
SLFshine: Orchids on Display 1
R. Borges: Floating Flower
SLFshine: Taking flight
SLFshine: The "eagle" has (almost) landed
SLFshine: Chickadees galore 9
Martica: Chickadee overload
Martica: Chickadee overload
Martica: Chickadee overload
Martica: Chickadee overload
RobKal: In The Huddle !