joeri-c: SchoolStrike4Climate Halifax
planet a.: Mobilization for Climate Justice- Stop Chevron
powless: COP16 Climate Justice March
jstemerdink: Dongria Kondh
Foxbat7979: Dongria Kondh Young Woman Munikhol
jstemerdink: Dongria Kondh
sinetempore: Mani che rivelano - Hands that reveal.
Giulio Magnifico: Too small to this war
Giulio Magnifico: The fear in this little yazidi eyes
Mostly Tim: El gran escape
PascalBo: Children world - Loi hilltribe - Myanmar
LadyPutz: Kids
mmechinita: kid with hat
pallab seth: Turtuk..... Angels amidst the Apricots
Chris Arnade: Damian and Wayne 2: Point Morris Bronx
Chris Arnade: Chai-Nes: Point Morris, Bronx
Victor Bezrukov: flying kid
SILVA CAPITANA: Vietnamese street-kids with a GoldFish
Ragstatic: Kids Play
Ackalica: Kids playing
Zouhair Lhaloui: Yasser [Explored]
razorbern: leaving the village
Chris Arnade: Kids as an Airplane: Rosedale Queens
Chris Arnade: Proud of Daughter
Chris Arnade: Family
Chris Arnade: Three sisters: Hunts Point Bronx