Glenn.B: Northern Gannet
Glenn.B: Northern Gannet
Glenn.B: Northern Fulmar
drbut: Yellowhammer
anthonynixon17: Great Spotted Woodpecker juv
davolly59: Sandwich Tern with Sand eel
Tim Melling: A Bigger Splash
Glenn.B: Northern Gannet
Glenn.B: Fulmar
Glenn.B: Northern Gannet
davolly59: Arctic Tern Sterna paradisaea
drbut: Stonechat
Birm: Early Morning Harbour
KHR Images: Tawny Owls [video]
Gladys Klip: Haas / hare / lièvre
Tim Melling: Beluga Happy Face
anthonynixon17: Great Spotted Woodpecker.
anthonynixon17: Toadlet!
drbut: Meadow Pipit
Tim Melling: Portlandica Arctic Tern
M_squared Images: Change of position
adecoleman: Kestrel
Tim Melling: I'm just a Jealous Guy....
Gladys Klip: Zilverreiger / great white egret / aigrette
Tim Melling: Great! A Food Hamper
KHR Images: Short-eared Owl
ChrissieWhiffen: Gannets on Bempton Cliffs
phil winter: Little Owl (Athene noctua)