Stereotron: Cubical rocks 3-D / CrossView / Stereoscopy
Scarred6: Cowboy Cricket 3D
FotoGrazio: Ethereal Currents
edk7: Wild teasel, Meadowvale Conservation Area, Mississauga, Ontario.
jciv: Canna Lily - 3D Stereo Pair
Abstraktologe: Gitterfetzen
relaxednow: IMG_0221gg4=3D/open for tutorial
DocJ96: Dobby's bush on Privet Drive
relaxednow: IMG_5483e4=3D/open for tutorial
relaxednow: IMG_8199x3=3D/open for tutorial
DocJ96: Orchid mouth: cross view 3D
Stereotron: Castle pond of Pulsnitz 3-D / CrossView / Stereoscopy
relaxednow: IMG_8980e4=3D/open for tutorial
DocJ96: Construction in cross view 3D
relaxednow: MAX_0693d=3D/open for tutorial
relaxednow: IMG_0868x1=3D/open for tutorial
Mecki ----: ... Autumn colors ...
jciv: Cactus Flower - Stereo Pair
unicoherent: Artist’s Conception of Neptune (a citrasolv edit)
DocJ96: Gymnopilus sp. (3 cm)
DocJ96: Gymnopilus sp.
jciv: Sago Spirals - Stereo Shots
Stereotron: Bus station 3-D / CrossView / Stereoscopy
Hubert Polacek: Way of Ice
relaxednow: DJI3c_0142=3D/open for tutorial
relaxednow: IMG_7476x3=3D/open for tutorial
turbguy - pro: Molas Stereo
DocJ96: Pucciniastrum areolatum
FlickrDelusions: Lye Valley