paulinuk99999 (lback to photography at last!): Demonstrating I know All The Best Places - In Asia!
DJB Dorset Days: Black Darter pair: Purbeck Heath
Paul:Ritchie: Arty's Back!
Geoff 1947: Clouded yellow on Common fleabane
Geoff 1947: Those eyes!
DJB Dorset Days: Black Darter;mature male:Purbeck Heath
Paul:Ritchie: Oldie
Paul:Ritchie: Sticklers
slop george: young Raft Spider
Mark Eggleton: Boar 22-8-13
DJB Dorset Days: Chalkhill Blue : North Dorset
Geoff 1947: Hoverfly-Helophilus trivittatus?
Rezamink: Small White (Pieris rapae)
DJB Dorset Days: Black Darter;female in obelisk position cooling off.
paulinuk99999 (lback to photography at last!): "Face Down, A** Up, This Is the Way We Like To Eat..."
roly2008.: common wall lizard
Geoff 1947: Green veined white
Frank Gardiner- Expect anything!: Silver-washed Fritillary (valezina female)
tony.cox27: CHALKHILL BLUE
Paul:Ritchie: Hold Tight
tony.cox27: SWALLOWTAIL (Captive Bred)
Geoff 1947: Marbled white butterfly
Patrick Clement.: 71.003 BF1995 Puss Moth, Cerura vinula, larva
DJB Dorset Days: Swallowtail : Norfolk
Sandi - (Very Busy Lady!): Splashing Sparrowhawk
Frank Gardiner- Expect anything!: Silver-washed Fritillary