Gabaja: Slug buuuunnnnndddddddddlllle! #yuck
Gabaja: White Campbell drake and one of the White Swedish ducks (supposed to be blue) Beggared if I can tell the difference! #ducks @fresheggsdaily
Gabaja: Two jars of honey, pulled from the same colony two weeks apart. Amazed at the difference in texture, flavour and aromas. #balsam #bees #honey
Gabaja: Next would have this down as a good pollen source. #LiveAndLearn
Gabaja: Dog dragged me off the long way round on way home from egg deliveries (pub) tonight. Not complaining, it's a lovely little bit of the canal.
Gabaja: Nah! That's quite enough walkies for today. I'll just stay here, like this until you hire a minion to tickle my tummy.
Gabaja: Girls getting buzzy on the fabulous buddleia show this year. Didn't realise it's pollen was white. #bees
Gabaja: You be careful up there with our sisters, we're keeping an eye on you! #bees
Gabaja: This had me stumped for a few seconds. Anyone guess what's happened here? #badbeek
Gabaja: Spooky ghostly albino earwig in a hive roof. Is it a portent of summat?
Gabaja: All manner of flying pollinators all over the feral geraniums :-)
Gabaja: Himalayan Balsam popping out down by the river, there's going to be beggar all forage left by mid July round here! Early harvest and then heather methinks.
Gabaja: Can't believe the thistles are flowering, the beech and hazel nuts are nearly good to go and the cherries have ripened already. June13th
Gabaja: Still looking for a forever home for this little lass with or without her mum.
Gabaja: For future reference - a super frame does not make for a good weapon of defence against Trevor the Cockerel. #buggered
Gabaja: Very sturdy day old araucana chick. Already strutting his stuff like he owns the joint. #ChicksWithAttitude
Gabaja: Who me?! Eat white bread!? Never!!!!! #goose #shockingbehaviour
Gabaja: Okay already! I concede, you can be the broody in the duck hut. Gerroffmehead!!!!!! #broodywrestling #hens
Gabaja: Macgyver swarm catching skillz in play today. Shame they don't seem keen on staying but I got dat Queen! #gaffertape
Gabaja: Obliging swarm weighed the bough down so brave/stupid goose could eat the leaves. My life!?
Gabaja: Mayflower is out properly now round our way, NOW we can get on with! #CastingClouts
Gabaja: Thought this lil tiddler was a wasp at first. Dread to think what she's found!!!! #fluorescentbee
Gabaja: Bluebells are spectacular this year
Gabaja: Moooosive swarm this morning. Took two goes to get them in a box, got hammered at the first attempt. Lesson learned, don't mess with the girls until they've had their morning coffee!
Gabaja: A day late but Happy St George's Mushroom day y'all (Calocybe gambosa)
Gabaja: This little beauty with delightfully hairy legs landed by me at the plot earlier. Any ident clues clever people???
Gabaja: Pick and mix eggs for Easter? All shapes, sizes and hues at The Star @samatthestar
Gabaja: Boys and girls enjoying their spent malt from @Mallinsons this morning. Happy poultry, thanks girls
Gabaja: First spotting of proper LBT of 2014 #fungi
Gabaja: Are they ready yet mum? Huh? Go on, give us a sprout! #SproutingForBirds