matahata: Dollstown Kana
Lua Garo - Somnia Crawler Doll (no fm): Fairyland FeePle65 Angela
nyo denyo: Fairyland Realfée Pano
Le Tama: Don't forget to preorder Giorria!
Le Tama: Modified F60 Celine
Le Tama: Feeple 65 sleeping Angela, modded (new eyes, nose, mouth, chin, jaws...)
Le Tama: Merrow WIP : now she has two arms!! Yeaaaah!!!
Le Tama: Merrow - wig and eye test (handmade eyes)
Le Tama: Human Deilf is traveling to Korea!
ldollfestival: Depths Dolls
QuietYurei: My two...girls?
Rakeru Space: Commissions
redmaiko: Faceup Realfee Mari
ban sidhe: Mari for El
ban sidhe: RLF Mari
wovenflame: Am I first?!
wovenflame: Super cute! Quick Ban, send me the Soso before I become attached!
botflybaby: Realfee Pano Finished!
botflybaby: Realfee Pano Finished!
CaylaMay: Good Witch
✄Frappzilla: Rainbow is my lifeline | Music is my Soul
R I C E ❀: do you want to eat me or the celery? ^ω^
Enaibi: Bubblegum !
• Dust of Dolls •: Doom Bomi Preview
nyo denyo: Lumos