steff808: Convento do Carmo
steff808: l'escalier
steff808: Lasciate ogne speranza, voi ch'intrate
666philly - time out....: christmas decorations
666philly - time out....: down in the swamp
666philly - time out....: waiting for the fireworks..
666philly - time out....: shelter from the storm
666philly - time out....: Shaun? .. sorry don't know him
666philly - time out....: "chip" hunting
666philly - time out....: the only way to travel...
666philly - time out....: -- what's in here?
666philly - time out....: Grey Headed Flying Fox - with pup attached
Little_lurcher: Listening
ャン: Jessica
Little_lurcher: Reflections of November