The Rita: Snowy Egret
The Rita: Black-crowned Night Heron
The Rita: Great Egret
The Rita: Osprey grabbing a fish out of the water
The Rita: Great Horned Owlets on the nest
The Rita: Osprey
The Rita: Belted Kingfisher
The Rita: Great Egret
The Rita: My friend and I are very interesting to her when she first wakes up!
The Rita: Carolina Wren
The Rita: Great Horned Owl
The Rita: IMG_9706-Edit
The Rita: IMG_1898
The Rita: IMG_2560
The Rita: IMG_1955
The Rita: IMG_1913
magova: Pastel colors
magova: una flor
Clicking Mad: swimming ~ 38/52
Clicking Mad: under the bridge ~ 34/52
{amanda}: Bunny
Clicking Mad: cutting through the dalmatian-sweetness
shannon4462: Electrifying spider
mjryckman: Black and White
meeganz: i'll take it
meeganz: when the wind blows
Clicking Mad: deep beach