AurelioZen: Rosa Mota Arena (Porto)
hdbrand: Your Rainbow Panorama
Benpassionefoto: Architecture
seier+seier: the smithsons, peter and alison smithson, architects: robin hood gardens, london 1966-1972
jairoallano: San Francisco
schromann: Rodenkirchener Brücke
_ElijahPorter: RFR.011 / Elijah Porter
[J Z A] Photography: Travelling Past Pink
[J Z A] Photography: Staines Bridge
La Productora, Agencia en Artes: Panorama del Diseño en Colombia
Frank Kehren: Pritzker Pavilion
manuelvillalar: Ibague / Tolima
schromann: serralves
[J Z A] Photography: Shakespeare and Lauderdale Towers behind Defoe House and the Barbican Centre
Frank Kehren: All (rail)roads lead to Chicago
[J Z A] Photography: Peace Pavilion, Museum Gardens, Bethnal Green.
Klixe Acosta: Busy Ponte Vecchio
80D-Ray: Leave nothing but prints
[bananaroozy]*: Ad-less is more 2
TotoRincon: DSC_3790