jstudts: DSC_4857
jstudts: DSC_4838
jstudts: DSC_4843
jstudts: DSC_4851
"Mike Foster": _MFO9966
"Mike Foster": _MFO9995
tammye*: tunnel black and white
Vermont Lenses: Spring Bench
sinkdd: ぴっちぴっちゃぷちゃらんららん
Vermont Lenses: Call of the Cedar Waxwing
vaskos66: Bumblebee( Bombus)
yubomojao: Prunus mume
meletver: Radio telescope
nunyazz: Dark Tulip
sherrYgibsoN~here & there...: Waxing Gibbous 96%
-RobW-: Red Umbrella
mariano iannuzzi: Rose High Key
BigBoyDrums (www.hectorcruzphoto.com): Jen-Jen...A Child's Innocence
Cranti: Fishing
Here It Is: sunflower
daenaaaa: Day 52: Yellow is my colour.
helenabraga: beleza em azul
Danny_1981: Beautiful Day
saradawn: D365/Day 91