Wendy:: O'Reilly hall Pep Ventosa style ~HSS
Wendy:: autumn walk ICM HSS~Explored
Wendy:: ICM ME for autumn ~HTMT
Wendy:: pathway ICMx5
Wendy:: Ventosa method SOOC phone
Wendy:: walking the dog ICM/ME ~HSS
Wendy:: Autumn in Herbert Park_ICM/ME
Wendy:: Walking in Herbert Park ICM/ME~HFF
Wendy:: walking towards the light ~HSS
Wendy:: multi exposure from Fernhill
Wendy:: ICM acc to Pep Ventosa method
Wendy:: Upper Mount Street ICM ME ~HSS
Wendy:: Miesian plaza ICM ME ~HSS
Wendy:: O'Reilly Hall ~HSS
Wendy:: O'Reilly Hall_ICM ME~HSS
Wendy:: "O'Reilly Hall" HSS
Wendy:: O'Brien Centre for Science
Wendy:: "O'Brien Centre for Science" v,2 HSS
Wendy:: "O'Brien Centre for Science" v.1
Wendy:: The Tierney building -ICM ME~ HSS
Wendy:: The Daedalus building: ICM ME
Wendy:: ICM from the garden HSS
Wendy:: bouquet of flowers ICM ~HSS
Wendy:: multiple exposure as cyanotype
Wendy:: Grevillea with ICM
Wendy:: ICMx5 pep Ventosa.jpg~HTMT
Wendy:: icmx5 Pep Ventosa v.1
Wendy:: ICMx5 PepVentosa_split tone v.2
Wendy:: old tree with Pep Ventosa method~HTMT
Wendy:: green glade