Wendy:: Facebook (META) Ballsbridge~ HEDiSD
Wendy:: Sutherland school of law
Wendy:: Health sciences building in IR
Wendy:: looking towards Misery hill in mono
Wendy:: cranes and planes working again!
Wendy:: Roebuck Castle residence~HFF
Wendy:: Charles institute and Health Sciences building
Wendy:: foxglove ~ HMBT
Wendy:: Mono Lily of the Valley
Wendy:: National institute for bioprocessing research and training ~HBM
Wendy:: Elmpark Green in IR~HFF
Wendy:: Merrion Hall~HBM
Wendy:: Merrion Hall ~HBM
Wendy:: "Merrion Hall" pano (spherised) ~HWW
Wendy:: Merrion hall pond
Wendy:: Merrion Hall ~HBM
Wendy:: O'Reilly hall and Common room
Wendy:: restaurant building Belfield
Wendy:: available rectangles
Wendy:: "Texture". pineapple
Wendy:: bouquet in IR
Wendy:: Daedalus building
Wendy:: HBM from path above Vico road
Wendy:: the Customs House; with bridge railings in foreground HFF
Wendy:: another variation using Artisan proX
Wendy:: IFSC _ HTMD
Wendy:: city quay HFF
Wendy:: one George's quay plaza ~HSS
Wendy:: One George's Quay Plaza
Wendy:: Calatrava bridge in Dublin