Wendy:: analogous colours v.3
Wendy:: Analogous colours v,2
Wendy:: Analogous colours v.1
Wendy:: Hemerocallis
Wendy:: Still life in complementary colours v.1
Wendy:: pretty boxes in complementary colours
Wendy:: looking for blue shadows
Wendy:: topsy turvy still life in complementary colours ~HSS
Wendy:: "Spring / Easter". bouquet~in Explore
Wendy:: still life in blues~Explored
Wendy:: colours of spring v.2
Wendy:: tetradic schemed still life
Wendy:: hand thrown by Yuta Segawa
Wendy:: playing with analogous colours
Wendy:: citrus
Wendy:: RGB macro textures project; RED v,1
Wendy:: the Greens of the RGB texture series for club project
Wendy:: Blue of RGB textures series for club project
Wendy:: Split complementary schemed still life
Wendy:: July bouquet in triadic colour scheme
Wendy:: tetradic hues
Wendy:: ever hopeful; we might need these soon!
Wendy:: incamera multiple exp x4 tetradic colors
Wendy:: cow parsley with cool colour temp~ in Explore
Wendy:: attempting triadic colour scheme with yellow
Wendy:: full colour still life on red!
Wendy:: the C of CMYK ~~ HTT
Wendy:: the K of CMYK
Wendy:: the M of CMYK
Wendy:: the Y of CMYK set