Wendy:: blocks in mono (rere UCD village)
Wendy:: nearing completion HWW
Wendy:: The Malthouse Grand Canal Quay nearly finished ( yes street side is bendy)
Wendy:: Richview-Urban institute UCD
Wendy:: National Rehabilitation hospital~ Explored
Wendy:: arch abstracts x12c ~HSS
Wendy:: new Garda station Kevin Street
Wendy:: UCD Moore Centre for Business
Wendy:: new campus vista
Wendy:: O'Reilly Hall_ICM ME~HSS
Wendy:: The Daedalus building: ICM ME
Wendy:: Restaurant building Belfield
Wendy:: Liffey North wall quay
Wendy:: rere ESB
Wendy:: rere ESB under contstruction ~HWW
Wendy:: National virus reference lab
Wendy:: Facebook (META) Ballsbridge~ HEDiSD
Wendy:: Facebook Serpentine Avenue
Wendy:: Belfield Water tower
Wendy:: The Sorting Office
Wendy:: the Sorting Office~HSFS
Wendy:: Forbes street
Wendy:: the northbank juxtaposition on the Liffey
Wendy:: Daniel Holfield exhibition to mark UCD's 50 years at Belfield
Wendy:: Moore school of business
Wendy:: concrete louvres on the library
Wendy:: looking towards Misery hill in mono
Wendy:: looking towards Misery Hill
Wendy:: Roebuck Castle residence~HFF
Wendy:: Charles institute and Health Sciences building