Wendy:: Hillsborough old Court house
Wendy:: Hillsborough old Court house
Wendy:: Irish summer!
Wendy:: Lake at Hillsborough
Wendy:: moss carpeted lime tree walk
Wendy:: moss pathway under lime tree walk
Wendy:: Lady Alice's temple ~ HBM
Wendy:: consulting the map in the temple
Wendy:: HBM from Hillsborough Castle garden
Wendy:: to the temple
Wendy:: HFF from Hillsborough Castle
Wendy:: view from the terrace
Wendy:: a reprocess from Hillsborough ~ HMBT
Wendy:: Lady Alice's temple and pond reflections
Wendy:: Hillsborough castle gardens
Wendy:: HBM from Hillsborough castle
Wendy:: Hillsborough palace garden fountain ~HBM
Wendy:: fountain with white planting
Wendy:: garden front Hillsborough Castle HBM
Wendy:: white campanula latifolia
Wendy:: note the "zen" raked pathways!
Wendy:: more wonderful whites
Wendy:: greens!
Wendy:: white valerian, foxgloves and many other things;HBM
Wendy:: wonderful green and white planting
Wendy:: the beautiful terrace at Hillsborough castle
Wendy:: in Hillsborough palace gardens
Wendy:: _X4A3517
Wendy:: perfect hosts; every need provided for!
Wendy:: patio Hillsborough palace