Wendy:: green screen still life (imp) HSS
Wendy:: green screen still life with analogue effects~Explored
Wendy:: still life after Bimbi--HSS
Wendy:: Easter by the sea! A blue screen chrome key demo for club
Wendy:: Still life at sunset! HSS
Wendy:: still life after David Ligare
Wendy:: with green screen/chroma key ~HSS
Wendy:: HSS
Wendy:: lets pretend!
Wendy:: Another chroma/ green screen still life HSS -
Wendy:: the window table v.2 ~ HSS
Wendy:: the window table~HSS
Wendy:: strange creature of the deep! HSS
Wendy:: spring fever; cracking time!
Wendy:: treasures of the deep! -~HSS
Wendy:: v.3 more variations with tilt shift and perspective ~HSS
Wendy:: v.2 experiments with tilt shift and perspective
Wendy:: v.1 experiments with tilt shift and perspective
Wendy:: trio afloat
Wendy:: treasure trove of the sirène ~HSS
Wendy:: ambience of summer in winter!