Wendy:: @14weeks ~Explored
Wendy:: hyacinths blue
Wendy:: swan song
Wendy:: Stunted!
Wendy:: obviously a disappointing vintage!
Wendy:: year 5 @ 10 weeks
Wendy:: sibling rivalry this year!
Wendy:: hyacinth breakthrough: year 5 day 28; in Explore!
Wendy:: year 5 day 17
Wendy:: the will to grow -year 5 week one
Wendy:: hyacinth progress dissappointing!
Wendy:: definitely different!
Wendy:: hyacinth Year 4 @ 4 weeks
Wendy:: year 4 week 3
Wendy:: roots: year 4 week 2
Wendy:: obviously a self starter!
Wendy:: still in flower!
Wendy:: still lingering!
Wendy:: still pretty in pink!
Wendy:: the great survivor!
Wendy:: and now for the encore!
Wendy:: still surviving!
Wendy:: decline continues!
Wendy:: raggle taggle hyacinth
Wendy:: the demise has started
Wendy:: optimum display!
Wendy:: progress report
Wendy:: swirling twirling effect!
Wendy:: year 3 @ 58 days