Wendy:: multitrunks ~HTMD
Wendy:: HTMT: explored
Wendy:: HTMT from the woods
Wendy:: April blossom ~HTMT.
Wendy:: Knarled tree~ HTMT
Wendy:: same trunk different angles
Wendy:: golf course in IR ~HTMD
Wendy:: golf course under water; AI generated lake!! HSS
Wendy:: just three HMBT
Wendy:: tree in winter HSS ~ Explored
Wendy:: HTMT from Deerpark
Wendy:: sunny morning in Deerpark ~HTMT
Wendy:: magnolia buds and heather (today we have snow!)
Wendy:: HTMT with thicket
Wendy:: profusion in pink and white HTMT
Wendy:: lichen abstract: HTMD
Wendy:: scars of age HTMD
Wendy:: tree by Athletics track HTMT
Wendy:: storm damage HTMT
Wendy:: winter flowering cherry outside Sutherland school of law ~HTMT & HBM
Wendy:: HBM from the silver birch path~Explored
Wendy:: campus pathway with venerable trees~ HSS & HTMD
Wendy:: looking up HTMT~Explored
Wendy:: twins ~HTMT& HTMD
Wendy:: russet leaves in the sun
Wendy:: Avenue to Merville house : HTMT
Wendy:: first frost on the golf course
Wendy:: magic shaft of light
Wendy:: colours of autumn; reverse view
Wendy:: shadowplay ~HTMT