Wendy:: analogous colours v.3
Wendy:: motley selection for 1 Mois 1 Thème
Wendy:: multicolours for 1 mois 1 thème
Wendy:: multicoloured~Explored
Wendy:: handbag of Irish crochet lace HMT
Wendy:: Irish crochet roses
Wendy:: lavender and lace
Wendy:: style of Carrickmacross lace
Wendy:: Irish crochet bon bon bowl
Wendy:: en dentelle
Wendy:: Offshoot theme; "Clothing,costume or fashion
Wendy:: This week’s creations~Explored
Wendy:: IR effects on fabric HMBT
Wendy:: tassels and velvet
Wendy:: feathers and satin HTT
Wendy:: thoughts of Venice
Wendy:: ODC braided
Wendy:: florentine tapestry ~HBW
Wendy:: RGB macro textures project; RED v,1
Wendy:: Blue of RGB textures series for club project
Wendy:: ever hopeful; we might need these soon!
Wendy:: skein of green
Wendy:: hard and soft textures in orange
Wendy:: squares of gold
Wendy:: macro greens
Wendy:: textures of white
Wendy:: the C of CMYK ~~ HTT
Wendy:: the K of CMYK
Wendy:: the M of CMYK
Wendy:: the Y of CMYK set