Wendy:: chequerboard!
Wendy:: Cluster of bokeh!
Wendy:: waiting for the real bubbly!
Wendy:: still life in black and silver
Wendy:: swaddled!
Wendy:: the bromeliad house with one cactus
Wendy:: dessicating Explored#349
Wendy:: complementary curves ii Explored# 359
Wendy:: distortion!
Wendy:: beech leaves over pond
Wendy:: fabric diffuser
Wendy:: Foraged
Wendy:: pier and steps at White Rock
Wendy:: pineapple in soft light
Wendy:: soft focus
Wendy:: white horse VI/6
Wendy:: graceful lines
Wendy:: From White Rock
Wendy:: slow water at dawn
Wendy:: Dalkey island from White Rock
Wendy:: Reds to browns
Wendy:: fruits with candle
Wendy:: Loopline & Butt bridges
Wendy:: Oculus
Wendy:: Windflowers and Drimys Explored:) #63
Wendy:: looking NW from the Mizen ~ Explored :) #46
Wendy:: the Fastnet rock
Wendy:: the Fastnet rock lighthouse
Wendy:: Across towards Brow head
Wendy:: marram grass in sun