pkingDesign: Stella the Sea Anemone
jeferonix: Balloon map of demonstration against Israeli occupation of Gaza and the West Bank
NASA Goddard Photo and Video: Carribean or Bust
eustatic: public lab logo email the list org
sderle: Carson-Iceberg Wilderness
Russ Nelson: mvi_1655
Proteus Gowanus: 10_2014_3_30 spring hunting with Amara_finding sound of running water in Prospect Park
publiclaboratory: DSC_0129
cosmofujiyama: IMG_3017
nycmayorsoffice: GC5A0342
nycmayorsoffice: GC5A0323
jeferonix: Wilkinson Bay poster draft
Nelson Minar: US rivers in the contiguous 48
jeferonix: mural finally up
jeferonix: Scrambling with Cantagallos kids
jeferonix: Cantagallos joined map
kimdeek7: IMG_0688
Proteus Gowanus: 2012 15 December Grassroots Mapper approching Gowanus Dredgers canoe dock on second street at Gowanus Canal for First Street Basin mapping project_ pic by Shan Jayakumar
jeferonix: Pirateship planning mural
jeferonix: LeVar Burton uses a Public Lab spectrometer at SXSW
Omnitarian: Moments in the History of OpenStreetMap
Proteus Gowanus: Denton's Spring flowing over Gowanus Circuit Boards_13 Oct 2012_Dredgers_Eymund
Proteus Gowanus: Did you know that creatures swimming in the end of the Canal are facing an INCREASE in sewer sludge in 2014 ? What are better solutions we can work towards ?
Molly Danielsson: landing page public lab
Bill Wetzel: Watching first load in found washing machine running in driveway
Proteus Gowanus: Mutant Ninja Turtles check out Gowanus sewer improvements for future movie sequel (pic by Nickolodeon)
GonzoEarth: ballon elevation profile in google earth 5.2
ewedistrict: 4D Shortest Path Tree
Proteus Gowanus: 7 July 2012 Over My Dead Body Balloon Mapping Aerial with unusual cracks on the potential Marylander site highlighted
Proteus Gowanus: 5_2012_14_April The RH 35 Combined Sewer Overflow Alligator CyberSensor being installed by Leif Percifield_Yes_that is floating Gowanus poop_pic by Eymund_Gowanus Dredgers